Founding Advisory Board

The D4D Founding Advisory Board represents the individuals who helped create the Coalition. The Board's role was to develop the charter and governance structure of the Coalition, as well as to set the ethical standards regarding tech industry, philanthropic, and government funding to guide the Coalition’s activities. We are grateful for the efforts they put in to make the Coalition what it is today.

CL Kao
Co-Founder of g0v
Eileen Donahoe
Executive Director of the Global Digital Policy Incubator at Stanford University’
Eric Rosenbach
Co-Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Marco Aurelio Ruediger
Director of Public Policy Analysis at FGV
Maria Ressa
Journalist & CEO of Rappler
Marietje Schaake
International policy director of the Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University
Mathias Antonsson
Founder and CEO of Plurrify
Philip Howard
Professor of Internet Studies at the Oxford Internet Institute
Raegan Macdonald
Head of EU Public Policy, Mozilla
Ronald Deibert
Director of the Citizen Lab
Tarik Nesh Nash
Ashoka Fellow & Co-Founder of Software Centre