Relevant Tools for D4D Coalition Community
Ads Transparency Center
Google's Ads Transparency Center is a searchable hub of ads ads served from verified advertisers across Search, Display, YouTube and Gmail that were shown to users in the last 365 days for non-political ads, and from up to seven years ago for political ads. With the Ads Transparency Center, users are able to understand:
- The ads an advertiser has run
- Which ads were shown in a certain region
- The last date an ad ran, and the format of the ad.
Advanced Protection Program
Get Google's strongest account security with the Advanced Protection Program. Advanced Protection is recommended for anyone who is at an elevated risk of targeted online attacks. This includes journalists, activists, political campaign staffers, business leaders, IT admins, and anyone else whose Google Account contains valuable files or sensitive information.
Advanced Protection requires physical security keys for sign in to help protect your emails, documents, contacts, or other personal Google data. Even if a hacker has your username and password, they can't sign in without your security key. The D4D Coalition may be able to provide physical security keys at no cost.
Outline VPN
Outline VPN is a free, open source virtual private network (VPN) product for computer or mobile phone.
For more information about these tools, contact the D4D Coalition via email at